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How To Make Silk Raw Fabric

How To Make Silk Raw Fabric    

The process of making silk begins with silkworm feed. Once the worms have eaten the mulberry leaves, they start spinning a cocoon around themselves with a long string of saliva. The cocoons are then harvested and placed in hot water to loosen the protein chains that make up the cocoon's structure. These strands are then wound on a spool to make a filament.


Most of the world's silk supply comes from cultivated silkworms because this method is more efficient and produces a higher quality product. To obtain raw silk fibers, farmers first boil the silkworms inside the cocoons. The resulting product is a long continuous filament that can be woven into silk fabrics.

To weave thread into fabric, manufacturers first weave it into cloth. The fabric is then dyed and treated to give it a soft feel. Finally, the fabric is cut and sewn into clothes or other items.


How do silk suppliers supply silk?

Silk suppliers typically obtain silk from two main sources: wild cocoons and cultivated cocoons. Wild cocoons are cocoons collected from the wild, while cultivated cocoons are from captive silkworms. The vast majority of silk suppliers source their silk from cultivated cocoons as this is more efficient and predictable than collecting wild cocoons.

Silk suppliers are usually from countries where silkworms are raised, such as China, India and Japan. 

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